Wednesday, June 07, 2006

New Home Builders Cutting Back

Several recent articles in the local newspaper have indicated that several major home builders are expecting a 25% or greater sales dip.

While that may be true, what is crucial here is which years are being compared.

2005 was a very different year. If we are to have a meaningful comparison, this year's housing figures must be looked at from a 2004 (or earlier) perspective.

So, when you see these scary headlines, read the article to find out which years are being compared. Don't let the headlines scare you.

Literally EVERYTHING in the housing industry is down from last year but we are close to the 2004 housing sales figures. That is a much more meaningful comparison.

Email me or call me if you have specific questions about your own situation.

The only people who are really hurting are those that bought new or resale homes last year (2005) between May and December.


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