Monday, July 18, 2005

Moving Costs Scam

Rick DeBruhl of Phoenix Channel 12 "Call 12 For Action" wrote recently in the Arizona Republic of moving company scams where they contract to move your household furniture for a certain price but demand more money before releasing your furniture because "your load was heavier than estimated".

To avoid this unpleasant situation from costing you money you can get a "Binding Estimate" from the moving company beforehand which should keep them from charging you more than the contract estimated price and prevent them from holding your furniture hostage.

Another source of potential help is the Arizona Department of Weights and Measures. They can be found on the State of Arizona web site under departments. If requested, they can send their representative when the mover arrives at your new home, require that the movers weigh the truck before and after your furniture is unloaded and not charge you more than they are actually owed for any extra weight.

Look, movers do their own estimate of your furniture's weight. They are supposedly professionals and should, as professionals, know how to do a valid estimate (or at least tell you that there might be an overage at the other end).

You have a right to expect your movers to be professionals and provide a service free of surprises.


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