Monday, September 22, 2008

August Statistics for Phoenix Home Market

Even though we are close to October, here are some statistics from August (the latest available) on new home permits,new home and resale sales. These are from RL Brown's newsletter. He is a long time and well respected real estate analyist who has been on the scene in the Phoenix area for many years.



Relative to the following chart RL Brown says, “…the answers to the housing dilemma in Metro Phoenix in the days ahead are actually contained in this data, especially when coupled with a willingness to forget 2004-2005, and to look back at the market opportunities and solutions of the 2000-2003 period for strategies, structures, and business plans and positioning.”

Sales for Month 1,634
Same Month Last Year 3,110
Percent Change -47.46%

Year to Date Closings 14,527
Year to Date Last Year 25,675
Percent Change -43.42%

Permits for Month 970
Same Month Last Year 2,705
Percent Change -64.14%
Year to Date Permits 10,708
Year to Date Last Year 25,927
Percent Change -58.70%

Resales Last Month 5,285
Same Month Last Year 4,643
Percent Change 13.83%
Year to Date Resales 37,373
Year to Date Last Year 44,982
Percent Change -16.92%

The resale numbers reflect both Pinal and Maricopa and counts units by owner as well.

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